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Physically Based and Scalable Atmospheres in Unreal Engine, Sébastien Hillaire, In Physically Based Shading in Theory and Practice course, SIGGRAPH 2020. [Unreal Engine] [Slides] [Recorded presentation] |
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A Scalable and Production Ready Sky and Atmosphere Rendering Technique, Sébastien Hillaire, Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR) 2020. [Unreal Engine] [Author's Paper] [EGSR Paper] [Recorded presentation] [Source code] |
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Interactive Light Map and Irradiance Volume Preview in Frostbite, Diede Apers, Petter Edblom, Charles de Rousiers, and Sébastien Hillaire, Ray Tracing Gems . [Website] [Now available] |
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Real-Time Rendering, 4th edition, Tomas Akenine-Möller, Eric Haines, Naty Hoffman, Angelo Pesce, Michał Iwanicki and Sébastien Hillaire, [Website] [Now available] [Authors :)] |
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Frostbite GPU Emitter Graph System in Star Wars Battlefront II, Sébastien Hillaire and Anders Egleus, GDC 2018. [Slides] [GDC Vault] |
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Real-time Raytracing for Interactive Global Illumination Workflows in Frostbite, Sébastien Hillaire, Charles de Rousiers and Diede Apers, GDC 2018. [Slides] [GDC Vault] |
Physically Based Sky, Atmosphere & Cloud Rendering in Frostbite, Sébastien Hillaire, In Physically Based Shading in Theory and Practice course, SIGGRAPH 2016. [Slides and course notes][Video] |
Physically-based and Unified Volumetric Rendering in Frostbite, Sébastien Hillaire, In Advances in Real-time Rendering in Games course, SIGGRAPH 2015. [Slides] |
Anti-Aliased Volumetric Lines Using Shader-Based Extrusion, Sébastien Hillaire, OpenGL Insights. [Available on Unity] [An extention] |
Improving Performance by Reducing Calls to the Driver, Sébastien Hillaire, OpenGL Insights. |
Design and Application of Real-Time Visual Attention Model for the Exploration of 3D Virtual Environments, Sébastien Hillaire, Anatole Lécuyer, Tony Regia Corte, Rémi Cozot, Jérome Royan, Gaspard Breton, In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), March, pp. 256-358. [Draft paper] |
The Virtual Crepe Factory: 6DoF Haptic Interaction with Fluids, Gabriel Cirio, Maud Marchal, Sébastien Hillaire, Anatole Lécuyer, In SIGGRAPH 2011 Emerging Technologies (E-Tech), Vancouver, Canada. [Draft paper] |
Six Degrees-of-Freedom Haptic Interaction with Fluids, Gabriel Cirio, Maud Marchal, Sébastien Hillaire, Anatole Lécuyer, In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), November, pp. 1714-1727. [Draft paper] |
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Contribution to the Study of Visual Attention Models and Gaze Tracking to Improve Visual Feedback in 3D Interactive Applications, Sébastien Hillaire, PhD thesis . [Thesis] |
A Real-Time Visual Attention Model for Predicting Gaze Point During First-Person Exploration of Virtual Environments, Sébastien Hillaire, Anatole Lécuyer, Tony Regia Corte, Rémi Cozot, Gaspard Breton, Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), Hong-Kong, China . [Draft paper] Paper Selected for a special issue in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics |
Using a Visual Attention Model to Improve Gaze Tracking Systems in Interactive 3D Applications, Sébastien Hillaire, Gaspard Breton, Nizar Ouarti, Rémi Cozot, Anatole Lécuyer, In Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), Vol. 29, No. 6, pp.1830-1841 . [Draft paper] |
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Gaze Behavior and Visual Attention Model When Turning in Virtual Environments, Sébastien Hillaire, Anatole Lécuyer, Gaspard Breton, Tony Regia Corte, Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), Kyoto, Japan. [Draft paper] |
Can Camera Motions Improve the Perception of Traveled Distance in Virtual Environments?, Léo Terziman, Anatole Lécuyer, Sébastien Hillaire, Jan M. Wiener, Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. [Draft paper] |
Depth-of-Field Blur Effects for First-Person Navigation in Virtual Environments, Sébastien Hillaire, Anatole Lécuyer, Rémi Cozot, Géry Casiez, In IEEE Computer Graphics and Application (CG&A), vol. 28, no. 6, Nov/Dec, pp. 47-55. [Draft paper] |
Using an Eye-Tracking System to Improve Depth-of-Field Blur Effects and Camera Motions in Virtual Environments, Sébastien Hillaire, Anatole Lécuyer, Rémi Cozot, Géry Casiez, Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), Reno, Nevada, USA, pp. 47-51. [Draft paper] [Video] |
Effets de flou visuel pour la navigation en environnements virtuels en vue a la première personnes, Sébastien Hillaire, Anatole Lécuyer, Rémi Cozot, Géry Casiez, Proceedings of Association Francaise d'Informatique Graphique (AFIG), Marne-la-Vallée, France, pp. 83-90. [Draft paper] |
Depth-of-Field Blur Effects for First-Person Navigation in Virtual Environments, Sébastien Hillaire, Anatole Lécuyer, Rémi Cozot, Géry Casiez, Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), Newport Beach, California, USA, pp. 204-207. [Draft paper] Paper Selected for a special issue in IEEE Computer Graphics and Application |
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A Unified Particle Rendering Pipeline for Games, Daniel Suttor, 2017, [Master thesis] [Project page] |
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Convincing Cloud Rendering - An Implementation of Real-Time Dynamic Volumetric Clouds in Frostbite, Rurik Högfeldt, 2016, [Master thesis] |
Games Fortnite, Star Wars Battlefront, Battlefield, Need for Speed, [Full list] |
Engines Epic Games - Unreal Engine, EA - Frostbite and Criterion Games NFS Engine |