My old website have been deleted by the provider. I have lost almost everything without any apparent way to get it back. I should simply be happy and see that as a fresh new start. The site and its downloadable content is gone but you can still access the following pages on web archive:
For more, please checkout my GitHub and ShaderToy pages.
Quake II on Dx12 using Dx12Base.
A small DirectX 12 solution I use to test shaders and techniques. It is meant to be an easy to use with a thin abstraction above dx12 concepts for fast iterations with on the fly shader reloading.
A small DirectX 11 solution I use to test shaders and techniques. It is meant to be simple, straightforward for fast iterations with on the fly shader reloading.
A project presenting the sky and atmosphere rendering techniques implemented in Unreal Engine as well as how they compare to reference path tracing.
An old volumetric lighting demo demonstrating the technique from KillZone Shadow Fall: noise with reprojection of the previous frame used to achieve temporal integration of the scattering.
Two techniques that can be used to render lines that have volumes using a triangle strip or a box volume.
OCLSliseSix: a port of the SliseSix demo over to OpenCL.
Details about the small engine I have developed during my PhD.